Release Information
Update OSBuilder PowerShell Module
Pre-Release Versions
Pre-Release versions contain minor changes and are not Tweeted or reflected as an Update Available when using Get-OSBuilder
Testing update downloads in new function
New-OSBuild - Resolved an issue where ADK Packages were not installed. Thanks Sune!
New-OSBuildTask - Resolved an issue where Language Files were incorrectly added to the Task. Thanks Andrew!
Warning message displayed when trying to remove 'Permanent' Capabilities
Warning message displayed when attempting to remove 'Permanent' Packages
Added Admin Requirement as Get-WindowsImage requires elevation
Removed from GridView Windows Capabilities that were displayed when 'Not Present'
Added Admin Requirement as Get-WindowsImage requires elevation
Notification of a Pre-Release version when executing Get-OSBuilder
19.2.15 (February 15, 2019)
Added Update parameter to update OSBuilder Module
Resolved issue importing Windows 8.1
Resolved issue updating Windows 7
Resolved issue with multiple versions after updating OSBuilder Module
Resolved issue with multiple versions after updating OSBuilder Module
Resolved issue with multiple versions after updating OSBuilder Module
Resolved issue with multiple versions after updating OSBuilder Module
Resolved issue updating Windows 7
19.2.12 (February 12, 2019) "Patch Tuesday"
You need this version to get the latest Microsoft Updates
This version is NOT Windows 7 friendly, this will be resolved in the next release
Automatically downloads Microsoft Update Catalogs
Method for injecting updated OneDriveClient.exe
Not fully automated due to Production vs Enterprise versions
Method for injecting updated OneDriveClient.exe
Not fully automated due to Production vs Enterprise versions
Downloads now use Net.Webclient instead of BITS Transfer
Download Progress is not displayed (this was a function of BITS)
Interactive Login no longer required
Parameter IseGridView changed to GridView
Update Catalogs
Updated online source path
Catalogs have Date information in the file name
OneDriveSetup.exe Update
Place an updated OneDriveSetup.exe at <OSBuilderHome>\Content\OneDrive\OneDriveSetup.exe to have it automatically injected during Update-OSMedia
or New-OSBuild
. This is a manual copy due to different Rings (Enterprise vs Production)
Automatic Update Catalog Download
If you are online and run OSBuilder, the Update Catalogs will be validated for a newer version. If there is an update available, old Update Catalogs will be removed and new ones will be downloaded as needed. Catalogs have a Date or Version information in the file name as needed and are relocated to the Updates root
19.2.10 (February 10, 2019)
Changes to console output to display updated information and proper steps for updating OSBuilder
New-OSBMediaISO (internal)
New-OSBMediaUSB (internal)
New-OSBuildTask (internal)
Separated Language from primary groups
OSBuilder Basics
This section should help anyone get started with using OSBuilder
19.2.5 (February 5, 2019)
Registry has moved to Templates. This will be moved automatically
Drivers, ExtraFiles, and Scripts are added as Templates
Learn how to use these as Templates with a game of Frogger
19.2.3 (February 3, 2019)
Registry REG - Resolved issue where REG files with a space in the path were not imported
19.2.1 (February 1, 2019)
A quick change to OSBuild Registry to allow you to add REG files is now complete
Last updated
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